In 2002 John Hess, was approached by Andrew Harkness, who was very active within the local community, specifically with his involvement with the Village Hall, to form a History Society. This was expected to be a good addition to the Hall, which, in those days, certainly needed new activities. He was thought a good person to ask because he had already written a number of local histories and was known as a writer in the area.
He agreed to the request and called an initial meeting at the Hall in November 2002. Eighteen people agreed to join immediately, and a few as Committee members. John Hess became Chairman, Michael Richardson agreed to become treasurer, Rob Griffiths as secretary and Ruth Shone as a Committee member. The aims of the Society were to encourage members to carry out their own research, either alone or in groups, to produce local history and publications; to collect and archive memorabilia and other information; to hold regular meetings of members at which talks may be given by members or invited guests; to carry out fieldwork associated with any of the above; to contribute to a web-site maintained by the Village Hall.
It was agreed to go ahead and the first committee meeting was held at Chorlton Hall on November 27th 2002. The constitution was discussed and that included the aims above. John Hess was agreed as Chairman, and he agreed to store any materials on a short-term basis. It was agreed that a list of lectures be drawn up, publicity be sought through the Parish Magazine and on Notice Boards. A bank account would be open and that was arranged through HSBC by Michael Richardson. The Society was affiliated to BALH who covered our insurance costs. Membership to be open to all with an annual subscription of £10 individually and £15 for each family. There would be a minimum of four meetings a year, one of which would be the AGM. The committee would be a minimum of four and would be elected annually at the AGM.
The first lecture was on September 22nd 2003 and was given by Steve Woolfall, Heritage Services Manager, on the subject of Charles Kingsley in Chester. Other lectures were in November and December 2003, and January and March 2004. The next AGM was April 19th 2004. An outing was arranged by John Hess to Wervin Chapel.
Since then the Society has built up successfully to about sixty members until the programme was interrupted by Covid. The programme restarted in November 2021 under the chairmanship of Ann Marie Curtis.